African-American History of Lake Forest

Lake County History Symposium 2015
Home Front to Frontline: The Impact of the Civil War on Lake County, Illinois

African-American History of Lake Forest
Arthur Miller, Emeritus Archivist, Lake Forest College


African-Americans were integral to Lake Forest from the beginning in 1858. This session looks at their ante-bellum presence, home front experience, post-war permanent settlement and beyond.

Key Sources:
•Edward Arpee, Lake Forest: History and Reminiscences, 1861-1961 (Lake Forest: Rotary Club, 1963).
•Arthur H. Miller and Charles A. Miller, African American History in Lake Forest: A Walking Tour (Lake Forest: Lake Forest College, 1997).
•Arthur H. Miller and Shirley M. Paddock, Lake Forest: Estates, People, and Culture (Chicago: Arcadia, 2000).
•Franz Schulze, Rosemary Cowler, and Arthur H. Miller., 30 Miles North: A History of Lake Forest College, Its Town, and Its City of Chicago (Lake Forest: the College, 2000).
•Glennette Tilley Turner, The Underground Railroad in Illinois (Glen Ellyn IL: Newman Educational Publishing, 2001).

Contact information, for the Archives and Special Collections:

•African-Americans reference file, Special Collections, Donnelley and Lee Library, Lake Forest College: Anne Thomason, Archivist and Special Collections Librarian,, 847-735-5064
•Arthur H. Miller, Emeritus Archivist and Librarian for Special Collections, Donnelley and Lee Library, Lake Forest College:

Recorded live at the Lake County Discovery Museum on April 26, 2015