Event: Never Put Ketchup on a Hot Dog!


Never Put Ketchup on My Hot Dog!

Bob Schwartz



Highland Park Historical Society hosts a wienie celebration of Chicago hot dogs and hot dog stands. We’ll travel back to the Depression dog days of the 30’s and show the comfort those special sausages and their stands provided during their early years through the hard times of today. From the no-frills success of places like Gene & Jude’s to the mega stands like Portillo’s as well as local joints Stash’s and Michael’s, Vienna Beef executive Bob Schwartz will focus on the people who make hot dogs, sell ‘em and eat ‘em.

Bob Schwartz has been part of the customer development team of the iconic Vienna Beef company for more than 30 years. He will be signing copies of his new book “Never Put Ketchup On A Hot Dog,” which covers a savory slice of hot dog history.

Recorded by WBEZ’s Chicago Amplified.