‘Ravinia Park: Suburban Setting, World Class Entertainment,’ presented by Rachel Boyle and Eve Mangurten. This program is in conjunction with an exhibit opening at the Highland Park Historical Society., which is underwritten by a grant from YEA! Highland Park.
Since it’s beginnings in the early twentieth century, Ravinia has represented an enticing blend of popular and highbrow entertainment. Promoted by the local community as a civic asset to the North Shore, Ravinia Park offers an opportunity for a mass audience to enjoy a suburban setting while enjoying world class entertainment. Throughout its long history, the community of Highland Park and the promoters of Ravinia have balanced meeting popular demand while providing world class entertainment.
Rachel Boyle is a PhD. student in U.S. and Public History at Loyola University. Eve Mangurten has a Masters of Information and Library Sciences from the University of Illinois. Mangurten is the project archivist for the Highland Park Historical Society. The presenters have co-curated the new Ravinia exhibit for the Highland Park Historical Society. .
The Highland Park Historical Society would like to thank Ravinia Festival for image and other reproduction rights.
Recorded July 21, 2014 at the Highland Park Public Library